Friday, April 25, 2014

"Burning" images onto wood

So this process is super easy and best of all free! I like the old, distressed look a lot. So I decided that I would "burn" an image onto the crayola wood sign that I did last week. All you need is a printer, permanent marker, tape, 1" brush, and paper! Too easy. The first thing you are going to do is find an image that you want to burn. After that, print it out backwards (this is important.)

The image I wanted
Printed out backwards
Tape the paper down onto whatever you are burning it on, with the ink facing down. 
Take your brush and dip into water. I suggest wetting sections one at a time. Try not to drench the paper but it needs to be fairly wet so that the ink will transfer. When it's wet take the permanent marker with the cap STILL ON and color away. You will be able to see if the image is transferring or not. It's important that the paper be wet enough; if not you'll have to do it again (like I did.)

I recommend going back a second time once you are done. You may have to wet some spots again but not the whole thing. 

Another piece I "burned". 
Thanks for checking out my blog and please check back every Friday for a new post.
-And remember, anyone can DIY. You just have to be willing to give it a try!


  1. Wow. This is great! I must try that! Love your family pic! Be blessed.

  2. Thanks! The possibilities are endless!
